Great Start Collaborative Partner Spotlight: Arbor Circle

Arbor Circle has been at the Collaborative table since 2006 and an early childhood partner in the community prior to the GSC’s founding. Their programs support not only children but the whole family. We sat down with Susan Chang, Susan Sheppard, and Taylor Greenfield to learn more about Arbor Circle and how children and families are supported through their services.

Arbor Circle’s mission is to transform the lives of children, adults, and families facing mental health, substance use and family concerns in a caring partnership with our clients and diverse community. There are six different programs offered in Kent county’s early childhood system:


Arbor Circle takes a no wrong door approach with enrolling families in resources. Families can call the intake line and staff will help connect them to the program that fits their needs and wants best. The whole family can receive services through Arbor Circle. For more information about additional services click on the button to visit their site.

Arbor Circle incorporates parent feedback at multiple levels in their work. From feedback at individual sessions to surveys and focus groups, family’s input is heard and incorporated into changes that make their services best tailored to the needs of families and children.

As GSC members Arbor Circle values much about their membership. The sense of partnership and collaboration in a space where all are working on a common goal to support the community is one rewarding benefit of membership. The amazing people from across our community that come together at the table is reflective of the adage, it truly takes a village to raise a child. It is apparent at workgroup and membership meetings alike those involved in the GSC are motivated to help families by actively working to change systems that impact families the most.  The work the GSC spends behind the scenes to keep the collaborative community work moving forward is a value to our community.

Thank you, Arbor Circle for your years of partnership and all you do for families in our community!



Funding from the Office of Great Start within the Michigan Department of Education supports the implementation of Great Start.